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Weathervanes | Copper Finials | Cupolas | Oak Grilles Vents & Registers | Copper Roof Vents & Flashings | Underground Garbage Cans | Fireplace & Chimney Dampers | Chimney Cap & Covers | Enervex Exhausto Chimney Fans


Full Size Copper Weathervanes

Call   1-800-685-8263  or   E-MAIL   us for great prices

Hand-crafted of solid copper and brass by skilled artisans with unmatched quality!

Bear Cat & Butterflies Chopper Vintage Motorcycle Shotgun
695 , 695P 916 , 916P 694P 669 , 669P 693P
25"L x 17"H x 4"W 31"L x 25"H x 12"W 34.75" L x 6.5"W x 18"H 22"L x 12"H x 5"D 44.5" L x 2.5" W x 11.75" H


21" Eagle 24" Blue Heron Large Horse 28" 3 Geese In Flight Dragon
502 , 502P 606 , 606P 580 , 580P 657 , 657P 672 , 672P
21"L x 17"H x 21"D 26"L x 24"H x 24"D 33"L x 18"H x 4"D 28"L x 14.5"H x 20"D 30.5"L x 20.5"H x 20"W


Moon/Sun/Star Large Sailboat Mother Bird & Chicks Hummingbird & Flowers Fisherman
643 , 643P 907 , 907P 912P 913P 914P
34"L x 20"H 28"L x 36.5H 15"L x 11"H x 11"D 15"L x 15"H x 20"D 22"L x 22"H x 6"D


Whale & Boatman Victorian Arrow American Flag Biplane Whimsical Pig
915P 642 , 642P 667 , 667P 521 , 521P 608 , 608P
28"L x 13"H x 18"D 28.5"L x 21"H 30"L x 15"H 22"L x 9"H x 22"D 26"L x 15"H x 6"D


25" Rooster 27" Rooster 37" Barn Rooster Crowing Rooster 26" Attack Eagle
501 , 501P 515 , 515P 616 , 616P 637 , 637P 659P
25"L x 19"H 27"L x 25"H 37"L x 32"H 25"L x 18.5"H 17.5"L x 20"H x 26.5"D


Ascending Goose Patchen Horse Flying Pig Pineapple Eagle with Fish
615 , 615P 623 , 623P 612 , 612P 635 , 635P 685 , 685P
23"L x 17"H x 23"D 31"L x 15"H 26"L x 15"H x 6"D 27"L x 17"H 24"L x 19"H x 25"W


Stained Glass Moon Cow Banner Large Whale Dolphin
678P 552 628 , 628P 505 507
34"L x 20"H x 2"W 22.5"L x 15"H 25"L x 19"H 37"L x 16"H 27"L x 16"H


27" Landing Duck Double Dolphin Mermaid Lighthouse Pelican
605 , 605P 639 649 , 649P 624 , 624P 509
19"L x 17"H x 27.5"D 20.5"L x18"H 29"L x 11"H 27"L x 16"H 21"L x 21.5"H


Sailfish Osprey with Fish Whale Yawl Large Sloop
517 614 660 , 660P 907S , 907SP 908
31"L x 21"H 19"L x 20"H x 27.5"D 30"L x 16"H 22.5"L x 25"H 30"L x 30"H


Racing Sloop Schooner Stained Glass Yawl Standing Deer Elk
909 , 909P 601 , 601P 679P 638 , 638P 648P
24"L x 27.5"H x 5.5"D 25"L x 21"H 22.5"L x 25"H x 4"W 22.5"L x 27"H 22"L x 23"H


Fox Pheasant 34" Moose 31" Wolf Moose
655 , 655P 656P 687 , 687P 686 , 686P 557 , 557P
33"L x 17.5"H x 4"W 25"L x 32"H x 25"D 34"L x 22"H x 3"W 31"L x 24"H x 3"W 24"L x 20"H


Bass Wolf Quail Peace Dove Pine Trees
602 676 , 676P 631 , 631P 617 625
27"L x 12"H 29"L x 21"H x 5"W 25"L x 16"H 17.5" x 13"H 31"L x 16"H


Labrador Retriever Golden Retriever Lion Lo-Wing Plane Hi-Wing Plane
560 , 560P 644P 688 , 688P 627 626
23"L x 17"H 26"L x 17"H 30"L x 20"H x3"W 24.5"L x 9"H x 29"D 25.5"L x 10"H x 29"D


Stained Glass Arrow Arrow Fireman Country Doctor Golfer
680P 611S 546P 548P 561 , 561P
34"L x 18"H x 2.5"W 23"L x 15"H 26"L x 26"H 26.5"L x 14"H x 5"D 27.25"L x 29.5"H x 2"D


Angel Locomotive Sulky Cat & Mouse Bull
630 , 630P 553P 504S 640 670 , 670P
27"L x 13"H 24.5"L x 12"H x 5"D 31"L x 15.5"H x 7.5"D 30"L x 7"H 24"L x 18"H x 5"D


Large Cow Handsaw Fireman's Hat & Trumpet Dancer Hearts
671 , 671P 629P 668P 673 , 673P 674 , 674P
24L x 18"H x 5"W 27"L x 20"H 18"L x 22"H x 11"W 26.5"H x 26.5H x 2"W 32.5"L x 23"H x 2.5"W


  Large Fox   Pegasus  
  675 , 675P   677 , 677P  
  34"L x 16"H x 5"W   22"L x 15.5"H x 6"W  

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Black Aluminum Weathervanes Eagle Weathervanes Rooster Weathervanes Horse Weathervanes Nautical Weathervanes
Enhancing Your Outdoor Space With Distinctive Style Elegant Styles That Carry Historical Significance Carefully Designed Down To The Last Feather Designed By American Artisans A Beautiful Collection Of Marine Weathervanes


Animal Weathervanes Themed Weathervanes Weathervanes Accessoriaes    
Bring A Bit Of Countryside To Your Home Add Personality To Your Rooftop Durable And High Quality Mounting Hardware


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Fireplace & Chimney Dampers | Chimney Cap & Covers | Enervex Exhausto Chimney Fans 

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