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Weathervanes | Copper Finials | Cupolas | Oak Grilles Vents & Registers | Copper Roof Vents & Flashings | Underground Garbage Cans | Fireplace & Chimney Dampers | Chimney Cap & Covers | Enervex Exhausto Chimney Fans

Volko Supply Stock 3" & 4" Fancy Copper Leader Heads

Hand Made in USA! (Actually in New York)

100% Copper - 16 oz

copper leader head, copper conducter head, leader box, funnel, scupper

Volko Supply has been selling these hand made copper leader heads from our Garden City Park location for over 60 years!  Made from 16 oz copper and with soldered seams, they have stood the test of time and the elements. 

These products are made with pride in the United States....they are actually fabricated right here in New York!

Leaderheads can be used for both residential and commercial applications.  Sometimes they are called scupper heads or leader boxes

For homes they are either used for decorative purposes, or as a collector head to bring multiple leaders or gutters into one leader. 

On commercial buildings they are used to collect water from scuppers or roof drains, and funnel that water into a leader.




Leaderheads come in two stock sizes - 3 inch and 4 inch

The size is determined by the leader size

We can also make any custom size you require!



Stock 3" Fancy Copper Leader Head

Stock 4" Fancy Copper Leader Head

A 10" A 12"
B 6 3/4" B 8"
C 12" C 12 3/8"
D 6 5/8" D 8 5/8"
E 2 1/2" E 3 5/8"


fancy copper leaderhead volko

Fancy Leaderhead, or Standard/Commercial Leaderhead?  We have both, as well as custom work!  Call 1-800-685-8263 or email with your specific needs

stock 4 inch copper leaderhead

Click on pictures for more detail

hand soldered copper leaderhead

hand soldered copper leader head scupper box

Pictures below show different installations of various copper leader heads

new copper leaderhead installed

stucco and copper leaderhead

volko copper leaderhead

Brand New copper leaderhead installed just below the gutter

Two leaders dropping into one copper leaderhead.  Commonly referred to as a "collector box"

This plain copper leaderhead and leader have been on our store for over 30 years.  It is collecting water from the through wall copper scupper draining a flat roof.

We Can make any size and style copper leader head you can think of or sketch!  This picture shows a large custom leaderhead, our stock 4" and 3" fancy leaderhead, as well as a "fluted" leaderhead which gives a bit more depth.

custom and stock copper leaderhads

custom fancy copper leader heads In September of 2014 we got a phone call from a builder in Portland Oregon looking for some very specific fancy copper leaderheads.  For this project he needed some shaped as outside mitres to wrap around corners of the house, he needed some leaderheads with flat sides to tuck up against sidewalls of the house, and he needed some leaderheads with a taller back flange.

No problem for the fabrication team.  In 7 days these custom fancy copper leaderheads were packaged and shipped to the west coast.  Click Here for more detailed pictures of this project.


custom copper leaderheads, large custom copper leaderheads

closed top copper leaderhead

closed top copper leaderhead detail

These 10 custom copper leader heads were fabricated for a restoration in Chicago.  The customer sent us a sample, and we turned the order around in about 10 business days.

Another customer wanted to have closed tops on the leader heads, and a removable sleeve as a transition and for cleaning.  With an accurate sketch we were able to fabricate these no problem.

Detail of the closed top copper leader head. We removed the sleeve for this picture.  You can see the seams are all soldered.

To get water from a flat roof to a copper leaderhead you will need some form of drain.  Going through a parapet wall your best bets are a flanged scupper or a thru-wall leaderbox

copper outlet with flange scupper

Also made here in New York, our copper scuppers are built to stand the tests of time and the elements.  Perfect as an overflow drain or an easy to install primary roof drain.   If you want to divert water directly to a leader, or prevent a rush of water from leaving your  roof, our copper leaderbox is just the ticket.

Weathervanes | Copper Finials | Cupolas | Oak Grilles Vents & Registers | Copper Roof Vents & Flashings | Gutter Accessories | Underground Garbage Cans
Fireplace & Chimney Dampers | Chimney Cap & Covers | Enervex Exhausto Chimney Fans 

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Garden City Park, N.Y. 11040



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