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Weathervanes | Copper Finials | Cupolas | Oak Grilles Vents & Registers | Copper Roof Vents & Flashings | Underground Garbage Cans | Fireplace & Chimney Dampers | Chimney Cap & Covers | Enervex Exhausto Chimney Fans

In ground / underground Garbage Cans

Disposal Systems Installation

Locate your Underground Receiver on the highest available ground where there is no abnormal water drainage, such as exists near a downspout. A place near the back door will give quick, easy access in all kinds of weather.

Dig or auger a hole 6" to 8" deeper than the unit and at least 4" wider than the Shell diameter if the hole is dug. This makes it easier to tamp the earth around the Shell. Fill the extra depth with coarse gravel or stone to form a base for good drainage.

Set the Receiver in the hole with the Step pointing in the most convenient position for opening the Lid. Tamp the earth tightly against the Shell and slope the earth up to the top edge of the Shell. Be sure to keep the Shell round (check by placing the Insert-Can in the Shell - it should slip in easily). Also be sure the Hinge works freely.

The handiest tools for digging the hole are post-hole diggers, hand or gas augers. Multiple cans are easily augered with a small machine-mounted auger available on a rental basis at many hardware stores and contractors.

It is good practice to allow the top of the Receiver to be at least 2" above ground level. This elevation will drain water away from the Receiver in all directions.

Underground garbage can

Quick Installation Method

Volko garbage cans...underground garbage can in ground installation

Locate your Underground Receiver on the highest available ground where there is no abnormal water drainage, such as exists near a downspout. A place near the back door will give quick, easy access in all kinds of weather.

Dig or auger a hole 6" to 8" deeper than the unit and at least 4" wider than the Shell diameter if the hole is dug. This makes it easier to tamp the earth around the Shell. Fill the extra depth with gravel to form a base for good drainage.

Set the Receiver in the hole with the Step pointing in the most convenient position for opening the Lid.

Make a level, wooden form, staked into its permanent position, to create a concrete slab around the Receiver(s).

Place the Shell inside the hole so that it will be 1" above the top of poured concrete. Tamp the earth tightly against the Shell. Be sure to keep the Shell round (check by placing the Insert-Can in the Shell - it should slip in easily).

Pour the concrete in the form and trowel a gradual slope away from the form to the top of the Shell receiver. This will drain the water away from the receiver. It may be necessary to work the concrete away from the hinge. BE SURE THE HINGE WORKS FREELY BEFORE THE CONCRETE SETS UP.

Multiple cans are easily placed in a single pad or patio. It is a good practice to install the Slab higher than the ground level to keep water out of the receiver.

Underground garbage can

Heavy-Duty Installation

Volko garbage cans...underground garbage can in ground installation

Click the pictures below for sizes and specifications from 3 different manufacturers

camberw2.jpg (68662 bytes)
20 gal
Dover Cans
20 & 25 gal
Camber Cans


27 gal
Chief Cans


Perfect as a raccoon and critter deterrent, never have a knocked over trash can again. 

Underground Cans have become very popular for pet waste.   A clean and economical way to dispose of dog and pet waste correctly.   Read about the hazards of dog doo from a USA Today article.

Installing 1 or 2 cans in an inconspicuous spot, with an easy center step lid, it is a convenient way to safely " hide the poop ".


Visit the Garbage Can Source at   http://www.garbagecansource.com

for a complete selection of underground garbage cans and in ground trash can replacement parts.




Weathervanes | Copper Finials | Cupolas | Oak Grilles Vents & Registers | Copper Roof Vents & Flashings | Gutter Accessories | Underground Garbage Cans
Fireplace & Chimney Dampers | Chimney Cap & Covers | Enervex Exhausto Chimney Fans 

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